Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Alchemsts of Sound

This is a great documentary about the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

the trouble with Dante

So I've started reading the text of Purgatorio and my wife got me a copy of Inferno from the library to hold me over until I can dig up my own copy from storage and I've found a snag in my original plans to abridge the work.

Initially I thought I could get away with using only the arguments but reading Dante again after so long I've begun to realize this isn't the hot idea I'd thought it was. Yes the arguments at the start of each canto give a nice summary of events but that's all they do and the real beauty is in the cantos themselves with the poetry and the imagery. I guess it's a good thing I havn't started to record narration yet because I'm going to have to re-consider how to approach it.

That said some other news on the Dante front. Jeremy Inkel has agreed to come work on Inferno with me and give me a crash course in Cubase.

I'm going to my mom's place tomorrow to root around for things I need to take back to the studio. I'm missing some very important power connectors and I want my own copy of Inferno back.

I'm also picking up a new printer and maybe a desk.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

something is happening

I've been away from this blog for a while, to catch you up (whoever you are) I've been commissioned to do a three part experimental electronic composition based on The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. the commission gives me a salary and studio space until the project is completed. As of this writing I'm in the process of moving my studio gear into my new workspace and trying to puzzle out how to start. I'm hesitent to talk in great detail about this because it's so early on I don't want to get anyone's hopes up needlessly and I don't want to speculate. In my life I've a tendency to overreach and plan things far too well in advance. I'll hopefully keep you updated on this as it develops.

In synth related news my modular has grown! I've expanded it with an MFB Kraftzwerg (which aparently means "Mighty Midget" in German and a Doepfer Mini-case that's got a chaos generator and a module which turns TV's into Oscilloscopes! I'm waiting on a ring modulator to fill up the gap in my case and then I'll be saving for (dun dun dun) the big updrade.

Also picked up a really nice electric guitar and some much needed cables. I'm still footageless but I've got to get into PR overdrive soon because of the last CD. I'll be picking up a copy with the tracks separated out on it in the coming week and have no legitimate excuse for not geting a myspace page for my music. I don't expect it will have anything other than the essentials for self promotion. I have a very deep aversion for social networking software which I will save for another post.

to break it all down for you I'm really excited!