Wednesday, August 27, 2008


August 27, 2008

I just found this and thought it was more than worth re-posting. Skateboarders, noise, and all the rest. watch, read, and go visit Matrixsynth and maybe also Devi Ever's website too.

"The skateboarder has become one of the significant examples of dynamic movement and interpretation of the urban landscape. The skateboard has also become synonymous with public destruction and noise - always a calling card for social / public complaint and public control. Mixing the elements of the skateboard and its interpretation of something abstract like a handrail can also be highlighted via the media arts to recognize the audio elements within the relationship between the skateboard, the railing, and the physicality of the skateboarder.

This performance was planned for the Project Sound Wave Series (3) Sound Festival June 27th 2008 in San Francisco CA. We were denied entry into the States and Homeland Security fingerprinted and blackmarked Nicolay. The result was this video performance done in Vancouver which was screened at the festival on the 27th in San Francisco."

The original is right here

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