Saturday, August 2, 2008

Delia Derbyshire overdrive

Lost tapes of the Dr Who composer

Nigel Wrench
BBC Radio 4
July 18 2008

A hidden hoard of recordings made by the electronic music pioneer behind the Doctor Who theme has been revealed - including a dance track 20 years ahead of its time.

read the rest here

Archivist Responds: Yes, Virginia, Delia Derbyshire Really Was That Awesome

Peter Kirn
Create Digital
July 29 2008

It came as no surprise to me that Delia Derbyshire, composer and BBC Radiophonic Workshop maestra, would have created incredibly forward-thinking music in the 60s. But when one track seemed to predict IDM and modern electronica, the story of Derbyshire’s vintage “dance” track spread over the Interwebs, and even aroused suspicion of fakery.

Delia Derbyshire Recordings Found, Including Ahead-of-its-Time Dance Track

David Butler of the University of Manchester was one of two archivists who started undertaking the work of assembling a library of Derbyshire’s ground-breaking work. He writes in CDM’s comments that this is no BBC special effect: the recordings are very much real. He also clears up some of the confusion about their discovery, and offers more on the tantalizing cut “NOAH’s dance.”

read the rest here

WHITE NOISE, The Black Mass: An Electric Storm in Hell

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