Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My vostok has a gremlin

it lives in the midi-cv module and only comes out when it wants to. I can't explain what is up with it sometimes it won't work no matter what I do, sometimes it will work but only intermittently sometimes it works fine for a few weeks but the gremlin always comes back.

I've been talking with Tom Carpenter about it and he's going to send me replacement parts I'll get to crack it open and fix it soon. It's a good thing this instrument has its own sequencer. if it was out of commission and I was left with an expensive box of wires I'd probably be very sad. As it is I've got a gig coming up in December the Vostok will be there if I can replace it's midi-guts you should be too.

I'll post more info on that soon

Also to the maybe five people who read this blog I'm sorry I havn't uploaded the rest of that midi documentary I've been busy more will be coming soon.

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