Wednesday, October 8, 2008

he's back!

I'm back from my honeymoon. We didn't end up going as long as I had originally thought because of money issues but it's just as well, we've been having a great time just resting up before work starts for my wife. I'm starting this blog up again officially as of tonight. We took some good video and as soon as I figure out how to get it up on youtube or vimeo there will be some here. Also, learning how to take video with our camera means that as soon as I get my modular back from Chris Peterson there will be some vostok'in In the mean time here's a clip of someone playing the shit out of an old and un-bent Yamaha Portasound.


Anonymous said...


Congrats on your marriage once again!
This is Kat (Yvonne's friend from library school, we talked synths on the boat and Christian Anarchism once at a restaurant.)

I stalked you down. Actually, there wasn't much stalking, more of a random following of links around until I arrived here.
So yeah, I'm not trying to be creepy. :)


Chris Rooney said...


I remember you. Do you know a girl named Flora? I ran into someone at the Margaret Atwood lecture who knew me but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why, she said she was friends with someone named Kat when I saw your comment I thought I should ask.

Glad you found me!

Anonymous said...

Nope, don't know a Flora.