"mosques: Mohammedanism was looked on - Correctly enough - by the Middle Ages as being a Christian heresy (see Canto XVIII), and immediately inside the walls of Dis we shall, in fact, find the Circle of the Heretics. More generally the 'mosques' indicate that the City is devoted to a perverse and infidel cult." --(Inferno, Sayers Trans: pg.121 commentary on l.70 of Canto VIII).
I have been trying in some ways to make mine a revisionist paraphrase instead of adhereing to a strict interpretation of the translations I have access to. I've chosen in this respect to highlight the fact that all religions are equal in sin. Islam ought not to be so roundly condemned, and can't be by me. The fact that Dante chose to do so makes me very uncomfortable.
For another thing I disagree with both Dorothy Sayers and the Mideival Poet that Islam is a "Christian heresy". Yes it's true that Mohammed came after Christ and that Muslims recognise that Jesus Christ existed though they regard him as yet another prophet, the religion of Islam was influenced more by Judaism than by Christianity. The resemblance between the Kosher and Halaal regulations on food and the Shariah and Old Testament laws on conduct are quite simmilar, also it's my understanding that before Mecca was declaired the centre of Muslim religious life that honour was given to Jerusalem and it was after the Muslims were driven out of the Holy City that they established Mecca as their main place of worship and pilgrimage.
I could be wrong in these respects I am not very well versed in Muslim history or Jewish Talmud and Midrash, but none the less I believe that Islam was more an offshoot of Judaism than Christianity, and that (in purely technical terms) both are actually "heretical" breakaway sects of Judaism. How would Dante have written Inferno had he been Jewish?
Anyway this is proving to be very difficult to write. In Canto 28 Dante first encounters Mohammed split from his ass to his mouth and Mohammed's Son-in-law Ali, also mutilated, Leaving no doubt of what the poet thought of Muslims. I can't write that and I refuse to perpetuate this imagery. I tried re-writing it to replace them with the Pope and Patriarch who's conduct split the church into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox but the punishment is so vile I have a hard time doing that as well and I don't much relish placing people in hell to begin with. I do it occasionally, as did Dante but I can't bring anyone to suffer in this way.
I'm not sure what to do to move forward.