Wednesday, July 30, 2008

chinese beef jerkey is always a bad idea

No but seriously I ate this bag of beef jerkey I bought from an asian grocery store on my way to work and now I've got some foul smelling burps and my stomach is feeling kind of gross. Also I've concluded that I'm drinking way too much cafine and it's having adverse effects on my mood and physiology... I'm going to have to limit my consumption to coffee or yerba mate in the morning and cut out the red bull and hyper cafinated sodas they are not good in any meaningful sense of the word.

I've got some things to post about later I'm at work right now and feeling like ass I think I'm going to need to go home early and lay down for a bit. ugh..

In less intestinal news I'm geting my vostok tomorrow! Also I was telling my friend Jeremy about the vostok and I think Front Line Assembly want to use it on their new album.

more on this as it unfolds.

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