Saturday, August 15, 2009

Canto 11: answered questions, an explanation of the lowest deeps of Hell

On a rocky ledge
the stench forces us to stop
we sit down to talk

near a tomb that reads
"Here lies Anastasius"
I learn of the depths

So we don't waste time
Virgil explains the circles
Fraud and Violence

The worst in God's eyes
Is Fraud for it comes from man
They suffer deepest

Above them: Violence
Against Self, Neighbour, and God
Each has it's own zone

The first zone is for
The violent against others
Murder, theft, rape

The next zone is for
The violent against themselves
Suicide, Arson...

The last zone is for
The violence done against God
Cursing, Sodomy

Usury as well
those who lend at interest
are in this last zone

Below that is Fraud
First against strangers, then friends
Con-men, Liars

And last in all Hell
The traitors trapped with Satan
Suffer forever.

I ask a question
What about the upper parts?
Why aren't they in Dis?

Recall your "Ethics",
Three Human things Heaven hates
Lust, Vice, and Malice

If you think harder
It will all become more clear
Why God willed it thus

I look to Virgil
Why is usury down here
So far below us?

"It scorns creation
Making men wealthy through theft
From those who labour"

This was his answer
"Now we must start our descent
It is almost dawn"

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