Saturday, May 23, 2009

stool sample:

"You can't get a drink at a bar while sitting on one and you should never try and give them away for free at the Supermarket... Stool Sample..." -William S. Burroughs

I had some bad pork for dinner last night and became violently violently ill, so much so that my wife had to call 911 and get me to a hospital where they loaded me up with Gravol, fluids, anticonvulsants and let me rest. I had thrown up everything to the point where I was puking blood, thank God for Gravol. Anyway it's a frightening thing to poo blood and puke blood and sweat like your dying. I'm better now and at home again. I've been given some real heavy duty anti-biotics which should kill whatever food born bacteria got the better of my GI tract. I've talked to two different doctors about this, one from the hospital and another who's a friend of mine and both agreed that it was the pork. I'll be visiting the deli I got it from and telling them so that this doesn't happen to anyone else. I really like that place and it would suck if they closed down over health code violations. My tummy has been really gurgly today but no more blood! I think I may have poped a blood vessel in my ass which caused that. anyway that's about the most excitement I've had for some time, I really thought I might die at one point. I've got my Dante stuff here and I hope I will be finishing off the first draft while I convalesse. My wife, Yvonne is so wonderful she's been taking care of me and stayed with me all night at the hospital.

I'm going to sleep soon but I wanted to upload a video I made a couple of days ago if you've been reading this blog for a long time maybe you remember me promising to put up video of my modular synth? well here's the first of what I hope will be a sporadic but increasing number of youtube videos featuring me rig. enjoy!

all sounds are coming from an Analogue Solutions Vostok the only VCO in use is clocking the sequencer at an audio rate so that it acts as it's own VCO the Envelope Generators are also acting as VCOs one is set to ADSR the other is in repeating Attack decay mode. The only external module in use is an MFB videoscope module which is displaying the wave shapes on my TV Set. The Percussive Sample and Hold rythm is a combination of the two LFOs and the VCF which is being used exclusively as a sine wave generator.

Appologies for the blair-witch camera work and my bad ribbon controller skillz I made this video primarily to show what this synth is capable of not what I'm capable of.

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