Tuesday, May 12, 2009

updates on progress

I did Cantos 4 and 5 second draft last night and have been making some great noise with my new modules, the Doepfer Quantizer is awsome so is the Phase Locked Loop module. My wife's computer came back repaired so I'll be taking mine back to the studio today where I hope to upload some sounds into my daw and get to work with the audio Mark and I recorded, I also want to upload some of the experiments I've done with the East Coast Beast (that's what I've named my modular).

I had to send my Evolver back to DSI to have them fix some problems I've been having with the encoder knobs. Aparently the Evolver Sequencer is the one that glitches out the least so they are all as curious as I am to find out what's wrong with it. I guess the problem is so rare on the sequencers that they've offered to fix mine for free even though I'm past my warranty by about six months. I popped it in the mail yesterday and now there's a small rectangular space in my setup where my synth used to be. It's kind of lonely looking but I'll be happy to have it back fixed I can't tell you how annoying it is to try and dial something in precisely when the knob just wants to jump around seemingly at will.

I might also have found someone to share the cost of the studio with! this will be such a bonus if it works out. It's a beautiful day outside so I'm going to go do some gardening before my wife gets home and then bike to the sound refinery. In the mean time here's some Klaus Schultz for you.

Klaus Schulze - Live 1977 from Ernesto Cardenal on Vimeo.

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