Sunday, April 12, 2009

hey look it's post #100

In the studio today. It's been a slow grumpy sort of Sunday. I'm having modular synth issues and I have to take my computer home because my wife's was a piece of crap and now we need a new computer. At least I got to visit with a friend and make some music.

I was playing about with my tape echo trying to find out what settings were best for clear tape echo souds without overdriving it.

It can give of a beautiful dirty tube distortion and it will flutter into high piched insanity really easily so I was trying it out on low gain low swell/sustain levels and geting some very good results.

I guess this might sound pretentious and I don't mean it to be but having both a real spring reverb and a real tape echo is pure heaven, that's really all you need if you want to effect a guitar (in my opinion) I can now say I have both the real things and good quality digital reproductions (I've got a Space Echo pedal and an EHX Holier Grail) and the pedals do a very good job and I'd hate to ever have to move my tape echo for live playing but if you ever get a chance to buy even a cheap shitty quality tape echo (like mine I bought for $200 at a used guitar store) DO IT!! you won't regret that purchase at all.

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